Walk, Wine & Dine
A Rotary Club of Leamington project for Youth Mental Health
A FUNdraising Walking Dinner
Celebrating Leamington’s UPTOWN
• The Bank Theatre for Appetizers
• Walk to 3 Restaurants for Chef’s Selections
• Leamington Arts Centre for Dessert & Raffles
Thursday, June 16th | 5:30 – 9:00 pm
$60.00 per person (includes 2 drink tickets)
This project will result in a Pitch Contest for Youth Mental Health Services. We came up with this idea as we identified that the Leamington community is greatly lacking in local Youth Mental Health Services. As we are all aware, our youth are struggling for various reasons, and we want to ensure that our community has something to offer. Our club will therefore use the money that we raise through this event and through other fundraising efforts to hold a Pitch Contest that will allow agencies, entrepreneurs, or individuals the opportunity to pitch an innovative mental health project that would benefit youth in need. The Winner or Winners will receive funding for their project through the Leamington Rotary Club and partner’s project.