Produced By:
HULLABALOO! A VIRTUAL Fantasy Variety Show
from the Vault of The Bank Theatre
Created and directed by Roger Hewett | Composer/Pianist
w/ Kari Lynn Hewett | Musician
Friday, August 6th, 2021 | FREE
Begins @ 7 pm
GEORGE BEAUMONT | The Ghost – Robert Hubbard
THE STINGING DUO | Shanna Light & David Light
THE OTHER SINGING DUO | Kari Lynn & Roger Hewett
THE FLY-FISHING ACTORS | Rick Taves & James Neely
THE AERIAL ARTISTE | Deanna Papineau – Aerialist Deanna
THE VIOLINIST | Stefanie Adams
THE REKINDLED ROMANCE | Connie Morse & Robert Hubbard
THE HAIRBALL GANG | Abigail Wearne, Jenna Ward, Anna Ward, Jamie Nicholson
REPORTER | Michelle Fortier
THE PRES | Corey Robertson
STAGE SETS & PROPS | Penelope Gil, Kari Lynn Hewett, Michelle Fortier, Scott Berry
PUBLICITY | Michelle Fortier
CREW HOSPITALITY | Penny Gil & Michelle Fortier
INCIDENTAL MUSIC (Except The Fly Fisher’s Companion) | Roger Hewett
Not too many artistes or musicians were harmed during the making of this production | Filmed on location at The Bank Theatre by Quantum Sound Productions with full COVID 19 protocols in place as per Government regulations | The Bank Theatre gratefully acknowledges title sponsorship by Libro Credit Union | All programming at The Bank Theatre is sponsored in part by the Municipality of Leamington and Chances Leamington.
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Sun Parlour Players Community Theatre operating as The Bank Theatre is a registered charitable organization ~ 11920 5987 RR0001.
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